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Disruption Wedding

Back story: While on holiday in 2017 I stayed on an amazing island in the Atlantic ocean. Everyday new flotsam would wash up on this idyllic pinkish white sanded beach fringed with palm trees, and I began collecting rubbish off it because it just didn't seem right to leave these objects disrupting such beauty. These objects held a purpose at some point, but it was now in their 'post' life that they held most significance. Long after they have been discarded and forgotten about by their 'owners', their lives stubbornly continued on. 

They seemed beautiful in their own right and they each had a secret story to share about their worn history. I took these 'portraits' to record their journeys to this place where our lives have then intersected.

As can ben seen, they have started to become part of the ecosystem itself. Feasted on by fishes, inhabited by crustaceans, bobbing along in the current with the seagrass, they inadvertantly were now woven into the fabric of the oceans own existence. Some people like to believe that energetically 'we are all connected', and whether or not I believe this to be true, we are all certainly connected to our environment and what is contained within it. The beautiful and the ugly. And we have activated these objects and their by-products into existence . We collectively. Our collective conscience willed them into being through our desires and needs.

So, we probably need to wear this responsibility on our own person. By being conscious of them, owning our actions, we can then look to find solutions to their fallout. Rather than throwing our waste over a shoulder without a second thought, wearing their remains as a beautiful reminder to ourselves, each moment and everyday may more consciously influence the decisions we need to be making.