wood border

Tilt (2020)

Tilt is a dual exploration into dissolving boundaries between the jewellery object and the container it is held in. The container of a work becomes a blank canvas to be composed upon and within, also giving agency to the owner’s influence on the greater whole.

With a compulsion towards asymmetry, initially when making these singular earrings there was contemplation on the ideal of ‘balance’. To feel in a state of equilibrium, what we require to feel happy can vary greatly from day to day. Not putting pressure on oneself to achieve all of the advised exercise, meditative, dietary, work, recreational, social, sleep and more eases what otherwise would be an impossible task.

Enter the term ‘tilting’. Instead of trying to do it all, according to a study[1] the ones who are happiest strive for imbalance if leaning towards the activities found to be meaningful, joy inducing and lead towards a feeling of happiness.
These singular forms are designed to be worn (mis-)matched as a vehicle for expression after reflection on what the individual may need each day.

Like seaweed anchored to the bottom of the ocean swaying in the current, if we allow there can be a soft give and take on any given day towards just what we really need.

[1] Wilson, Sarah. 2011.‘I find what happy women get right’. Accessed 3/2/2020